Thursday, 12 November 2015

Why Do You Want To Study Film And Television?

"I was one of the insatiables. The ones you'd always find sitting closest to the screen. Why do we sit so close? Maybe it was because we wanted to receive the images first. When they were still new, still fresh." This quote from 'The Dreamers' perfectly describes my reaction to film and television. I am one of those people, the people who have to be first to see the film or episode, we all know one of them. Sometimes, people would say that they prefer to sit further back and get the bigger picture, for me while this is important, the idea of being close enough to see the intricate detail of the film makes me feel like I am involved with the creation. That the film was targeted and created for me. This feeling is why I would like to study the creation of Film and TV which I have heavily admired so that one day, I can create something for another eager cinema goer who believes the art was meant for them and them only. The feeling that people of all ages can connect and relate to each other through one piece of media makes it clear how film and TV is now an important part of life which I would like to be involved in.